Busybody from Theramore- We know not where heads of canned sardines end up.
N. the Blood Knight- Your poem, starting with words "Pregant you are - ah, why isn't it my fault," will not be printed.
Outraged- The mage was right; one cannot insist on a portal to places without an arrival point.
Mr. N. P- You have won the wager; Terpsichore is not a Blood Elf holiday.
Johnny- No. Subscribing to our paper does not remove you from active military service in Northrend.
Mr. Ants-In-Pants- The first symptoms usually appear after three days. Contact a Shaman.
Anonymous- And you - my ethereal one.
Engineer- We don't believe a method of discerning legitimate and false coinage based on their taste after melting them is practical.
Faerlina of Naxxramas- Please contact a gynaecologist.
Grenzel D. of Everlook- The editorial office does not lend money to readers, no matter how much they love us.
Mr. Moritz in Tinker Town- 1) Kil'jaeden and Archimonde - yes, but King Varian Wrynn is most probably not a demon lord. 2) O'ros is not a type of crocolisk. It's a Naaru.
Vereesa- You cannot count on that, especially because almost every of our co-workers is either incompatible, betrothed or married. We know not of any infallible, undetectable poisons.
Sympathiser OF Sen'jin- We admit that the price is indeed low, but the office will not buy these pants.
Daisy of Darnassus- We do not know how to say "halva" in Orcish.
Punch and Judy- We understand the difficulties, but we cannot rent the building for an hour; that would set a precedence.
Natural Philosopher- Water indeed does begin to boil at 100 degrees of heat, but your question of how water knows when it is indeed 100 degrees, we cannot answer.
Berelien Blesswind of Silvermoon- Frugality is a beautiful trait of personality, we admire the noble cause that has made you write and send your proclamation to us, but shoe polish cannot possibly replace elven hair grooming products.
Guy from Dragon's Turnabout- You just need to write; Thrall, Orgrimmar. Answering your second question, we allow ourselves to express an assumption that a human will have difficulties getting the position of Chief Warlord of the Horde.
Paladin- Basically you have been sent to find a mythical creature in order to look for an another mythical creature.
((Kindly donated by Edanna.))
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