Crampleflap converses with Jereck Serethil...
GREETINGS, readers! As you probably have noticed Jereck Serethil has popped up in many of my reports to date, and finally I have managed to get an interview with the holy crusader himself!
You have had an illustrious career with the Silver Hand, Lordaeron Royal Guard and now the Argent Crusade. Tell me, how do you maintain the will to keep going?
A Horde sympathiser? Really? I would not expect that from you. Supporting the savage Orc beasts.
I doubt the King would take those words very lightly.
How can you be so callous towards the Horde's pillaging of our lands?
Your patience with the horde is astounding. How did that come to be?
If you had to chose, what faction would you fight for?
Now that's food for thought if not anything else, and you know what? I am starting to see where he is coming from, but at least we know if push came to shove he would be backing our ranks.
Jereck left me with a message for Crusader Gaebriel of Lightsworn, "My allegiance is with the Alliance and always will be, yet at this current state of Azeroth we must put aside our hatreds and join together to destroy the Scourge. I will always be faithful to the Alliance and would never abandon them though you must realize without unity failure, death and destruction will surely follow."
Hard hitting words from a wise man. More news on the Tournament theft and those Scarlet rumors coming soon.
GREETINGS, readers! As you probably have noticed Jereck Serethil has popped up in many of my reports to date, and finally I have managed to get an interview with the holy crusader himself!
You have had an illustrious career with the Silver Hand, Lordaeron Royal Guard and now the Argent Crusade. Tell me, how do you maintain the will to keep going?
"In my past I have seen much conflict. Be it Horde or Alliance, both are ripe with corruption, hate and prejudice. Upon joining the Crusade - a neutral faction - I made it my duty to end the petty racism between the old enemies."
A Horde sympathiser? Really? I would not expect that from you. Supporting the savage Orc beasts.
"That is exactly the type of narrow minded tntolerance I have come to despise, Gnome. As I stated I am neutral, perhaps I am more inclined to aid the Alliance more than the Horde but both are guilty of heinous acts against each other and neither are in the right."
I doubt the King would take those words very lightly.
"So you are suggesting that myself, the Crusade and Tirion Fording himself are all traitors to the King. If the Horde launched an attack on the King I would give my life to defend him, but both sides need to lay down their age-old hatreds over trivial wars. Both are of equal blame and I cannot stress the importance of us working together to combat not only the Scourge, but also any other threat that may compromise the safety of all people. Orc or Human."
How can you be so callous towards the Horde's pillaging of our lands?
"Callous, no. Educated, yes. I do not agree with the Orcs' actions in Ashenvale or any attacks on lands that are of the Alliance, but the Alliance have committed similar crimes in the past, Gnome. Yes I have heard the screams of the innocent dying at the hands of the Horde, but I have also heard the screams of their children being slain and the cries of their mothers watching them being butchered. It is a double-edged sword... no-one is in the right."
Your patience with the horde is astounding. How did that come to be?
"I have no patience for the bloodthirsty amongst them, nor the ones who seek to pillage Alliance land. The Warchief however I do have patience for, he realises even moreso than our King that we must join forces if we are ever to repair this broken world. It is understandable that King Varian feels the way he does, due to the events that transpired after his kidnapping, and I do not blame him. I would probably possess the same hatreds if I was in his shoes. Thrall however accepts conflict with us is somewhat foolish, he just has a hard time keeping his leash on his forces."
If you had to chose, what faction would you fight for?
"Now that is a ridiculous question. Of course I would fight for the Alliance. I have before and I would again, but with the current turn of events in the north people must realise that unity is the key to victory. Tirion has stressed this so many times. Yet no-one will listen, all are to blinded by their prejudices, don't get me wrong many people have a reason to hate the Horde, but how can you accept the Ebon Blade into your ranks who have committed similar crimes and not the Horde? The Horde killed your family? Chances are the Ebon Blade had slain just as many. The Horde destroyed your lands? The Scourge destroy anything that gets in their way. So tell me, is it really that different? I will leave you to ponder on that."
Now that's food for thought if not anything else, and you know what? I am starting to see where he is coming from, but at least we know if push came to shove he would be backing our ranks.
Jereck left me with a message for Crusader Gaebriel of Lightsworn, "My allegiance is with the Alliance and always will be, yet at this current state of Azeroth we must put aside our hatreds and join together to destroy the Scourge. I will always be faithful to the Alliance and would never abandon them though you must realize without unity failure, death and destruction will surely follow."
Hard hitting words from a wise man. More news on the Tournament theft and those Scarlet rumors coming soon.
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