Thursday, 23 July 2009

Argents Devastated: Jereck Serethil Betrayed!

Prolific reporter Crampleflap Fizzlewrench explains it all...

Warsong HoldTHE mission was simple: establish relations with the Warsong Defensive. The Golden Crusader and a band of loyal Justicars embarked on a diplomatic mission into the Tundra in an attempt to seek more reinforcements of the Warsong Defensive to aid the effort in Icecrown.

On direct orders from Tirion Fording, bearer of the Ashbringer, the group of Paladins were seeking a peaceful discussion. They were gravely mistaken. Tensions have always ran high with Garrosh Hellscream manning the keep, yet Thrall had managed to keep him under control, at least for a while.

Jereck, who strives to resolve the differences between the sentient races of Azeroth allowed me to join him on his diplomatic mission on a strictly journalistic basis. We set off from Valiance Keep and headed across the tundra towards the looming keep that is Warsong Hold. The Orcish architecture seemed sinister yet impressive by any standard.

As we neared the entrance Garrosh himself, accompanied by a troop of worg riders surrounded us and this conversation transpired between Garrosh and Jereck:

"Lay down your weapons, Alliance scum! You are trespassing in my keep, and now you are my prisoners."

"Lord Hellscream, we bear the banner of the Argent Crusade, we mean you or you people no harm."

"Silence! You shall be taken to the keep and shown to the dungeons."

"Hellscream! We are here on Behalf of Tirion Fording! Icecrown needs your aid, you must list- ugh..."

Jereck was knocked out by a brute with a club, seeing the meeting was turning sour I hid behind a conveniently placed Nerubian corpse.

"Take him and the others to the keep."

And with that they took their leave and the Crusaders with them. Upon seeing this I attempted to get a better view of where they were being taken however, the Keep is far too large and well guarded for me to have entered. No word from the Golden Crusader has been received, however one Crusader who managed to escape gave us a short statement:

"They... they wouldn't listen... Jereck kept trying to plead our case... but they would just torture him, so the rest of us stayed quiet. Jereck did not quit... the resolve was in his eyes so they took him away... we didn't see him again. Hellscream let us go... but he kept Jereck... I... I am the only one who survived the trip home, the rest, weakened by our imprisonment were easily slain by the scourge. He told me to apologise to Fording... but that he would keep Jereck due to his lack of obedience a-and insulting manner... that's just not Jereck.... he... he was just trying to help us all... Hellscream wouldn't listen to him... he wouldn't listen... now Jereck is doomed to a fate of torture and pain... or worse..."

The Crusader who asked not to be named has taken a leave of absence and is now recovering in the Exodar under the healing light of Prophet Velen and the Naaru. Word from Jereck is yet to be heard, but does hope remain for our grand Crusader? Only time will tell.

Thrall has told us that he is trying to negotiate Jereck's release yet he believes that Hellscream wouldn't lie about Jereck and that if he was infact insulting and disobedient, there isn't much he can do. So to my brothers of the Alliance, I leave you with this: will you leave the Golden Crusader to his fate? Or will you fight to get him free? I know I will. The light help us all.

Wednesday, 22 July 2009

Trust and Judgement

An interview with Grand Crusader Dathran

Deeprun Tram

"Perhaps we could build elsewhere, even as we fight to reclaim Lordaeron and its lost glory, but where is there to go? There's no room left in the world for that. We have our mission."

These are the words of Dathran, Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Enclave. He's a powerful man, and I don't mean politically. Sitting across from him, I can sense the strength in him, the utter will behind his ever word. It's an imposing moment. He's courteous, that isn't the problem at all. It's not anything he does wrong, his behavior is entirely correct, polite, and refined. Yet I can feel the violence caged inside this man, the strength waiting to be let loose. And the fact that he can control it so well is all the more intimidating, because it hints at the power of the mind and the will inside his head.

Dathran is the son of a Paladin of the Silver Hand, and himself a former priest. He was raised in the Church, and aspired to proclaim the faith to those who would be his flock. It was, as we know, not to be. When Lordaeron fell, he took up the same path as his father, the way of the sword. Soon after, he joined the crusade. "I joined as it was forming, in fact. And because of how violent those first days were, my rise was…swift."

Very swift. He achieved the rank of Vanguard far quicker than usual, perhaps faster than any who had preceded him. It's something I can believe, having been in a room with the man. It's also understandable what happened next, in that same context.

Not content with the aims of the Crusade, or its lack of progress, Dathran soon broke ranks with his superior, Abbendi. Not long after, he says he was declared the Grand Crusader of the Scarlet Enclave as a whole, by universal acclaim of the Enclave's members.

It's the kind of tale a braggart might share, but he tells it without embellishment or exaggeration. It's a recitation of facts he is comfortable in sharing, not intended to impress me but simply to inform, because I asked. I get the notion that he might not have told me any of it had I not brought it up first. He says what is needed, and considers it enough.

"We are not the old Crusade. Torture happened, yes. The Enclave doesn't use torture, though. We've chosen to reclaim our good name, to cleanse it through deeds that will inspire trust."

It's a different perspective than Jandrissa's, I have to admit. I ask how he copes with the task ahead of him, a task of two wars, one against the scourge and its manifestations across the plaguelands, and one in the hearts of the people the Scarlet Crusade has touched.

"I don't think of it that way, I rarely ever consider the whole grand project. I decide instead what task has to be done now, or soon, and then I break that into smaller tasks. If you treat each piece as important, then every victory becomes meaningful."

But what about the crusaders he commands? How does he keep control of such zealous people, some of whom might not be so able to step away from the larger picture into the needs of the moment?

"Trust," he says it without hesitation. "Trust and discipline, of course. We draw lines and limit ourselves, such as no longer using torture, but we also trust one another. I give men responsibilities, and I let them do what needs doing."

Trust. Such an odd word to associate with a movement that grew out of the Scarlet Crusade, with its secret inquisitions and torture chambers. Yet he says it the same way he explained his rise through the Crusade's ranks, and his appointment as Grand Crusader, simply and without artifice. So, he clearly means it, he believes trust is the power behind his movement's almost legendary discipline.

It's fascinating, such simple confidence, the guileless strength in his words. So then, as I asked another not so long ago, what advice does the Grand Crusader have for me, as a Paladin and a free sword?

He scratches at his beard, and takes a moment to think. It's the first time I've seen him hesitate in any fashion. Is my question that weighty? Or was I being impertinent? It's hard to know.

"Be devout, loyal, strong in your faith, and above all value your principles," he finally says. "As Paladins, we are often called to judge. Never, ever try to judge yourself. Let others judge you, and listen. If the judgment is against you, strive to prove them wrong. But if you cannot, you must change. Judge, but be judged as well, as I say."

History has already begun to judge the Scarlet Crusade, I think to myself. And the Crusade has judged right back, as has their successor, the Enclave. But even the willingness to admit that others' judgments might have effect worth noting, that their considerations mean we must change if we value the principles involved, is a titanic departure from the old Crusade. So perhaps we shall be so wise as to judge the Enclave and its Grand Crusader on their own merits. I know that after this discussion, I will be watching to do just that.

Sunday, 19 July 2009

Argents to Begin New Offensive?

Martin Northwall writes from Icecrown...

Argent CrusadeThroughout the campaign for Northrend the Argent Crusade have earned themselves a reputation for their many battles against the Scourge. Recently the Crusaders have managed to capture ground in Icecrown including a small outpost before the Court of Bones itself. In northern Icecrown the Argent Tournament has been a controversial but popular draw, bringing in hundreds of the Alliance and Horde’s best adventurers and mercenaries daily. But it seems this has not satisfied their leader Highlord Tirion Fordring.

Sources within the Crusade have recently been hinting that the Argents will be pressing forward their advantage in a new assault against the Scourge. Several key outposts have begun gathering their forces and planning battle tactics. Furthermore their Vaults have been thrown open and powerful artefacts and magical weapons have been given to trusted agents.

News that the Coliseum at the Tournament is nearly completed lend weight to this claim. Highlord Fordring himself has claimed that the Coliseum will act as a test for adventurers, giving themselves a chance to hone their skills. Argents close to the Highlord have been on record saying this is to prepare for a siege upon Icecrown Citadel itself.

How does this affect you? The sources have consistently told us that recruitment for the Argent Crusade will soon undergo an increase. They are looking for anyone dedicated to the fight against the undead menace and willing to see it destroyed once and for all. For added incentive many of the items from the Vault are up for grabs for proven agents. If you’re interested in doing your part then keep an eye out for news soon. If your already a member of the Crusade there was also rumours circulating among our sources that a Conclave would be called at Light’s Hope as a show of unity as well as to flush out lingering Scourge strongholds in the Plaguelands.

Wednesday, 8 July 2009

A Crusader's Contemplation

Crampleflap converses with Jereck Serethil...

Jereck Serethil - The Golden CrusaderGREETINGS, readers! As you probably have noticed Jereck Serethil has popped up in many of my reports to date, and finally I have managed to get an interview with the holy crusader himself!

You have had an illustrious career with the Silver Hand, Lordaeron Royal Guard and now the Argent Crusade. Tell me, how do you maintain the will to keep going?
"In my past I have seen much conflict. Be it Horde or Alliance, both are ripe with corruption, hate and prejudice. Upon joining the Crusade - a neutral faction - I made it my duty to end the petty racism between the old enemies."

A Horde sympathiser? Really? I would not expect that from you. Supporting the savage Orc beasts.
"That is exactly the type of narrow minded tntolerance I have come to despise, Gnome. As I stated I am neutral, perhaps I am more inclined to aid the Alliance more than the Horde but both are guilty of heinous acts against each other and neither are in the right."

I doubt the King would take those words very lightly.
"So you are suggesting that myself, the Crusade and Tirion Fording himself are all traitors to the King. If the Horde launched an attack on the King I would give my life to defend him, but both sides need to lay down their age-old hatreds over trivial wars. Both are of equal blame and I cannot stress the importance of us working together to combat not only the Scourge, but also any other threat that may compromise the safety of all people. Orc or Human."

How can you be so callous towards the Horde's pillaging of our lands?
"Callous, no. Educated, yes. I do not agree with the Orcs' actions in Ashenvale or any attacks on lands that are of the Alliance, but the Alliance have committed similar crimes in the past, Gnome. Yes I have heard the screams of the innocent dying at the hands of the Horde, but I have also heard the screams of their children being slain and the cries of their mothers watching them being butchered. It is a double-edged sword... no-one is in the right."

Your patience with the horde is astounding. How did that come to be?
"I have no patience for the bloodthirsty amongst them, nor the ones who seek to pillage Alliance land. The Warchief however I do have patience for, he realises even moreso than our King that we must join forces if we are ever to repair this broken world. It is understandable that King Varian feels the way he does, due to the events that transpired after his kidnapping, and I do not blame him. I would probably possess the same hatreds if I was in his shoes. Thrall however accepts conflict with us is somewhat foolish, he just has a hard time keeping his leash on his forces."

If you had to chose, what faction would you fight for?
"Now that is a ridiculous question. Of course I would fight for the Alliance. I have before and I would again, but with the current turn of events in the north people must realise that unity is the key to victory. Tirion has stressed this so many times. Yet no-one will listen, all are to blinded by their prejudices, don't get me wrong many people have a reason to hate the Horde, but how can you accept the Ebon Blade into your ranks who have committed similar crimes and not the Horde? The Horde killed your family? Chances are the Ebon Blade had slain just as many. The Horde destroyed your lands? The Scourge destroy anything that gets in their way. So tell me, is it really that different? I will leave you to ponder on that."

Now that's food for thought if not anything else, and you know what? I am starting to see where he is coming from, but at least we know if push came to shove he would be backing our ranks.

Jereck left me with a message for Crusader Gaebriel of Lightsworn, "My allegiance is with the Alliance and always will be, yet at this current state of Azeroth we must put aside our hatreds and join together to destroy the Scourge. I will always be faithful to the Alliance and would never abandon them though you must realize without unity failure, death and destruction will surely follow."

Hard hitting words from a wise man. More news on the Tournament theft and those Scarlet rumors coming soon.

Tuesday, 7 July 2009

Can We Trust The Scarlets?

Crampleflap Fizzlewrench writes with rumours of civil war...

Scarlet Jacob CorensonLATE yesterday evening, rumours were sparked of civil war between many forces of the Alliance and the Scarlet Enclave. From with their disagreement with the Ebon Blade, through to disobeying the King's orders to accept them as Alliance, it appears that many other Alliance forces have been rubbed up the wrong way by the crimson-wearing zealots.

The Scarlet Crusade, were formed by the remnants of the Silver Hand, many went to the Crusade, while many decided to form the Argent Dawn. In the past the Scarlets have been ridiculed and slain for their extremist and over-zealous actions which saw many innocents die at their blades. It was thought that their corruption was confined to the north of the Eastern Kingdoms but new reports show forces cropping up in Northrend. The Enclave claim to be separate from their transgressing brothers but with the recent revelations about possible betrayal and sinister intent, how can anyone be sure?

Although at this stage nothing can be confirmed, John 'Reaver' has clarified the fact that war may be imminent. With fresh fears of the Scarlets reverting to their old extremist ways many people have lost their trust in the Enclave and are ready to bear arms against them.

Many have always feared that the Enclave have a sinister objective hidden under their new-found repentance but until we get confirmation from the King many authorities have warned the general public not to take any "mercenary" action against the Enclave.

Yesterday I chanced upon a meeting between Jereck 'The Golden Crusader', Reaver, Girem and two unnamed Draenei speaking of the betrayal of the Scarlets and the correct actions to be taken. This is almost a confirmation that conflict may be inevitable. We have been unable to get a formal statement from Dathran, Leader of the Enclave, as of yet but a request has been sent for him to inform the public of the situation. The House of Wrynn is yet to issue a public statement so we are waiting on both of these figures to fill us in on the situation.

Scarlet Jacob Corenson"It is indeed a dire situation, but we must look to the light and stay our blades unless we have no choice. We must seek counsel with our superiors and allies," Jereck told me when asking him about the Enclave, however he yielded little more information about the situation and refused to speak up on the chance of war.

So all seems sinister on the home front. With rumours cropping up everywhere it seems it is only a matter of time before the situation explodes. We warn all civilians to be very careful when approaching the Scarlet Enclave as we do not yet know their intentions. They have not yet officially been branded as criminals so please, for your own welfare, do not provoke or aggravate them.

Saturday, 4 July 2009

Filradel's Feasts: Mastication is not a sin

Would you like Wafflefry with that?

Midsummer Fire FestivalAS the Midsummer Festival comes to an end, bonfires and barbecue parties are held all around Azeroth. We at The Herald want to help you discover a world of new tastes. We've gathered recipes that represent the very best of Old World specialties and then rounded out the collection with choice recipes from abroad.

Most basic of all barbecue techniques, grilling or spit roasting is cooking food directly over hot coals. In the old days, prime steaks were often the choice for grilling. But with today's variety of meat cuts and tenderizing methods, you can experiment with much many choices! Instead of plain sausages, links or wieners, try those marvellous recipes to amaze your guests and still entertain because the meats cook almost unattended.

Midsummer Fire FestivalLet's not forget it's festival season so theme your party around Midsummer and it’s fiery traditions. The recipes we use are easy even for a beginner cook and use convenient ready-made ingredients or can be prepared beforehand, so you can entertain with your guests while they slowly cook by the table. Start your dinner with either Crispy Bat Wings or Crunchy Spider Surprise to introduce the festive mood.

Accompany them with an assortment of fresh fruit and flavoury cheeses.

Beer Basted Boar Ribs, Charred Wolf Meat and Lean Venison are three main-dish favourites that the cooks have been improving upon for years. They may not surprise your guests, but they make for the homely atmosphere and everyone feels at ease when familiar with what they are eating! Side that with an assortment of hot sausages and toasted breads and buns, and don’t forget to supply plenty of ale for the thirsty.

Midsummer Fire FestivalThe main entree and a show dish, Dragonbreath Chili can be made ahead and has an advantage of cooking slow and easy, plus the typical benefit from slow cooking – the longer you cook it, the more delicious it becomes. This potful of meat, vegetables, grog and cheese will be remembered long by your guests as it enables them to breathe fire.

Alternatively, for those on diet, supply Fiery Festival Brew and prepare yourself for a great fire-breathing and torch juggling show!

Finish your feast with a dessert of fine marshmallow, chocolate and sweet honey crackers in a Toasted Smorc made with a ready-bought ingredients, or all favourite Elderberry Pie. Garnish and decorate the table with a handful of summer petals or use a Brazier of Dancing Flames as a centrepiece of attention, and jump into your Vestment of Summer for completeness.

If you're aiming for foreign flavours, don’t worry. From Stranglethorn to Darnassus, good cooks have worked their magics with barbecued meats. You'll discover the variety of international tastes in the recipes here. Each of these dishes takes on a special character of its region of origin – be it by spices that season them, or by the way they are cooked or garnished. Feel free to pick and mix the recipes to create a unique feel to your cuisine. A honey glazed Roasted Moongraze Tenderloin is a classic Draenei main dish. Its sweet spiciness and fanciful garnish make this simple recipe a first class dish.

Midsummer Fire FestivalA subtle blend of stout, mustard and Mild Spices make the creamy sauce to accompany Roast Raptor served on a bed of fresh vegetables, a perfect dish for dark meat lovers.

The raptor pieces simmer first in the pan juices, which are then used to make a sauce, and are then turned to roast for extra crispiness.

Discover the flavour and elegance that wine adds to a traditional elven fare by preparing Kaldorei Spider Kabobs. Juicy meat pieces and different fruit give this dish a taste of spring orchards, and the colourful ingredients are an in-built garnish.

The bread stuffing in this Roasted Clefthoof makes it similar to classic game recipes of Eastern Kingdoms. Yet the unusual taste of the Outland’s best meat reveals its foreign character. The steaks are covered in a flour and spices mixture and roasted till tender yet moist.

Let's not forget all the fish-lovers out there! A sprinkle of sugar and Hot Spices adds a unique accent to Baked Salmon steaks. Both the steaks and the hearty stuffing you mound in the centre take on the pleasant smoke aroma and flavour when cooked slowly over medium-hot coals.

Midsummer Fire Festival Festive Grilled Sculpin roll features shelled sculpins stuffed with juicy ham and herb seasoned vegetables, all wrapped up in crusty dough.

The inventive use of large Northrend seafood, herbs and carrots gives this dish a mixed sea and shore feel.

All prepared and taste-tested by Filradel.

Thursday, 2 July 2009

Tournament Tribulations: Deviant Detected!

Dictated in Dalaran by Crampleflap Fizzlewrench...

Theft at Argent TournamentFOLLOWING the theft reported in Icecrown last month, more information on the culprit has emerged this week. The thief stole thousands of golds worth of equipment from the tournament and tensions between Horde and Alliance have been running high since.

Earlier this week Crusader Jereck Serethil - nicknamed ‘The Golden Crusader’ for his exploits in the Order of the Silver Hand and The Golden Light - chanced upon an intoxicated Gnome in the Underbelly of Dalaran, and uncovered new information regarding the incident.

Having filed the original story on this case, Jereck was more than happy to fill us in on what has been going on...

"Hail, brother."

"My, you're a tall one, Jereck!"

"Heh, thank you."

"So we hear that you spoke to a Gnome about the theft?"

"Yes, I saw him laying down in the sewers, and due to my oath as a paladin, I stopped to help the poor fellow. As I knelt by him I noticed multiple Champion’s seals scattered around him and on his person. Calmly, realizing that these were some of the stolen goods, I shook the Gnome awake. Then I asked him where he acquired the seals. After rigorous questioning he informed me that they belonged to a Human, and that he was staying in Dalaran in the Ledgermain Lounge and that this man had dropped a bag whilst walking through the sewers."

"Oh? So what did you do then?"

"I helped the Gnome to his feet and re-claimed the stolen seals, gave the Gnome my blessing and continued to the Ledgermain, where, sure as day, I spotted a Human rogue at the counter flipping a seal with his thumb. I began to walk over to him and then Amarial Sunsworn walked in. Being the only witness to the case I was surprised to see him in such close proximity to the thief."

"Corruption at the tournament?!"

"Far from it, master Gnome. As soon as Amarial spotted the cur he yelled out “THIEF!” startling him and forcing him to run. I chased him to Krasus’ Landing, cornering him. I told him that he should turn himself in and not to incur my retribution, but the man was crazy, he leapt off the edge. Looking over I could see he had a parachute on. Unfortunately we were unable to apprehend the fiend due to weather conditions."

The Golden Crusader provided a description on the thief: He stands about 6ft tall and has deep hazel eyes, he has shoulder-length blonde hair and a scraggly beard. He also has a distinct scar underneath his left eye and a runic tattoo on his right forearm. Anyone who spots the thief has been told not to apprehend him unless they are sure of their combat skills.

The Argent Crusade has offered a 1000 gold reward to anyone who captures him alive. The thief will need to be questioned and the stolen goods returned so please do not kill the criminal unless you have no choice.

Addendum: Tribute to the Fallen

Icecrown - MonumentOnce more we are saddened to report the following losses of brave defenders of both factions. Let us hope that their souls are at rest and that the Light will watch over them.

Remember our fallen heroes:

  • Dunthor Rooblat - deceased
  • Crusader Lendrick Stoutheart - deceased
  • Justicar Plaran Lorth - deceased
  • Justicar Wubsplink Boomcrank - deceased
  • Crusader Joran Mulrow - missing in action
  • Champion Dorabor Roundbelly - missing in action